View all the links from our three WordPress meetups for this month, as well as video from our recent Developer meetup.
Developer Meetup – Wednesday February 17
This month Sam Brook runs us through one of the recent projects he worked on, Metropolist.
Joel Eade talks about the recent process he went through when deciding to change starter themes in his development enironment.
User Meetup – Wednesday February 10
This week Amelia Briscoe and Chris Burgess talked about your Website New Year Resolutions.
Review: Take some time to look at your Google Analytics and Search Console data.
Refresh: We covered some key steps to make sure your site is well maintained.
Regroup: Create yourself a wish list of what you’d like to achieve with your site.
Your New Year Website Resolution: Refreshing Your Content
Ringwood Meetup – Wednesday February 3
Anthony Hortin gave us a look at the really usefully browser tool, Firebug, and showed how you can use it help with styling your website.