View all the links from our WordPress meetups for November 2016
Developer Meetup – Wednesday November 16
We had two great talks at this months developer meetup. Aaron Rutley showed us how to Get Started with the WP REST API and Dee Teal & Cath Hughes had a Q&A on bringing enterprise Project Management tools/processes into your workflow.
Getting Started with the WP REST API
Efficient Agile Tools for Freelancers: The Magic and Importance of Process
Intro to Scrum in Under 10 Minutes
Project Management for Freelance Developers
How to Improve Your Productivity Using Agile Techniques
User Meetup – Tuesday November 8
This month Simon Kelly showed us how we can build marketing Automation Funnels with WordPress and Chris La Nauze showed us the importance of using 2-Factor Authentication and how to go about setting it up on our WordPress site.
Building Marketing Automation Funnels In WordPress
2-Factor Authentication
Ringwood Meetup – Wednesday November 2
This month, Anthony Hortin from Maddison Designs gave us basic walk-through of how the WordPress Template Hierarchy works and how you go about using the different templates to display your content exactly how you want.
Some links that you’ll find useful from that presentation are:
WordPress Template Hierarchy 1
WordPress Template Hierarchy 2
WordPress Template Hierarchy 3
Sample debug code for displaying the currently used template
(The above three Template Hierarchy links basically present the same information, just in different ways)